sábado, octubre 16, 2010

if you are not here

I saw mountains and valleys,
I saw people and airplanes
I saw whole nights
In transition.

I saw tales of others,
I saw strangers
that would not cease being
What they are.

If you are not here,
plants will still grow,
And if you are elsewhere,
Time will not stop.

I saw the world and I saw seas
I saw clouds and ponds
That would not change.

At the bottom of what they are,
I saw what I had to see,
But I left you,
Waiting for something,
that I was going to say to you.

If you are not here,
plants will still grow,
And if you are elsewhere,
Time will not stop.

I ignored that reality transforms itself
even if I am not there,
I decided to leave and you forgot,
there was still something
that I was going to say to you.

miércoles, octubre 13, 2010

tal vez

Quizás la duda sea

la jactancia del deseo

martes, octubre 12, 2010


"Cuando vean que para producir necesitan obtener la aprobación de quienes no producen nada; cuando vean que el dinero fluye a quienes comercian no en bienes sino en favores; cuando vean que los hombres se hacen más ricos a través de la estafa que del trabajo, y sus leyes no lo protegen de ellos, pero los protegen a ellos de ustedes; cuando vean que la corrupción es recompensada y la honestidad se convierte en un sacrificio personal; sabrán que su sociedad está condenada"

Ayn Rand